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 第一章 总则

 第一条 为了保障公民宗教信仰自由,维护宗教和睦与社会和谐,依法规范宗教事务管理,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、国务院《宗教事务条例》等有关法律、行政法规的规定,结合本省实际,制定本条例。

 第二条 本条例所称宗教,是指佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。

 第三条 公民有信仰宗教的自由,也有不信仰宗教的自由。


 第四条 宗教团体、宗教活动场所、宗教教职人员、信教公民的合法权益和正常的宗教活动受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯和干预。


 第五条 宗教活动必须在宪法和法律、法规、规章允许的范围内进行,任何组织和个人不得利用宗教进行危害国家安全、破坏民族团结、扰乱社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度,以及其他损害国家利益、社会公共利益和公民合法权益的活动。

 第六条 县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门依法对本行政区域内涉及国家利益和社会公共利益的宗教事务进行行政管理,其他有关部门在各自职责范围内依法负责有关的行政管理工作。

 第二章 宗教团体

 第七条 成立宗教团体应当按照国家有关社会团体登记管理的规定,经县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门审查同意后,向同级人民政府社会团体登记管理机关申请登记。


 第八条 设立天主教教区,应当由省天主教教务委员会提出申请,经省人民政府宗教事务部门审查同意后,向省人民政府社会团体登记管理机关申请登记。由省人民政府宗教事务部门按照国家有关规定备案。

 第九条 宗教团体依照各自的章程开展工作,建立健全各项制度,实行民主管理。


 第十条 宗教团体举办宗教培训班,应当具备下列条件:





 第十一条 省、省辖市、县(市、区)宗教团体举办宗教培训班,应当分别向省、省辖市、县(市、区)人民政府宗教事务部门提出申请。


 第十二条 宗教团体应当遵守宪法和法律、法规、规章,接受人民政府宗教事务部门和有关部门的依法监督和管理。

 第三章 宗教教职人员

 第十三条 宗教教职人员经宗教团体认定或者解除,报县级以上人民政府宗教事务部门备案。


 第十四条 宗教教职人员应当依照本宗教规定的职责,在确定的宗教活动场所或者区域内从事宗教教务活动。

 第十五条 宗教教职人员在省内跨县(市、区)或者跨省辖市主持宗教活动,应当经所在地和前往地相应的宗教团体同意,并由宗教团体报相应的人民政府宗教事务部门备案。


 第四章 宗教活动场所和宗教活动

 第十六条 筹备设立宗教活动场所,按照国家和本条例的规定办理。


 第十七条 申请筹备设立宗教活动场所时,应当提交下列材料








 第十八条 宗教活动场所建设完工申请登记时,应当提交下列材料:





 第十九条 宗教活动场所应当成立管理组织,建立健全人员财务、会计、治安、消防、文物保护、卫生防疫等管理制度,实行民主管理。

 第二十条 建造大型露天宗教造像,按照国家规定报批。

 第二十一条 信教公民的集体宗教活动,一般应当在依法登记的宗教活动场所内进行。信教公民也可以按照宗教习俗在自己家里过宗教生活。


 第二十二条 信教公民集体举行的宗教活动应当由宗教教职人员或者符合本宗教规定条件的人员主持。

 第二十三条 跨省辖市、县(市、区)举行超过宗教活动场所容纳规模的大型宗教活动,或者在宗教活动场所外举行大型宗教活动,应当由主办的宗教团体、寺观教堂在拟举办日的三十日前,分别向举办地的省辖市、县(市、区)人民政府宗教事务部门提出申请。宗教事务部门应当自接到申请之日起十五日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定。


 第二十四条 出版公开发行的宗教出版物,按照国家出版管理的有关规定办理。


 第二十五条 宗教活动场所管理组织可以在宗教活动场所内按照国家有关规定销售公开发行的宗教出版物和宗教用品。


 第五章 法律责任

 第二十六条 国家机关工作人员在宗教事务管理工作中侵犯宗教团体、宗教活动场所、宗教教职人员或者信教公民合法权益,玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

 第二十七条 违反本条例规定,强迫公民信仰宗教或者不信仰宗教,干扰宗教活动场所正常秩序,妨碍宗教团体、宗教教职人员从事正常教务活动的,由宗教事务部门责令改正;造成经济损失的,应当依法


 第二十八条 擅自举办宗教培训班的,由宗教事务部门责令改正,有违法所得的,没收违法所得;有违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚。

 第二十九条 假冒宗教教职人员主持宗教活动、进行非法传教活动、利用宗教进行诈骗活动的,由宗教事务部门责令停止活动,有违法所得的,没收违法所得;有违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

 第三十条 非宗教团体、非宗教活动场所组织、举行宗教活动,接受布施、乜贴、奉献和其他宗教性捐赠的,由宗教事务部门责令停止活动;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;情节严重的,可以并处违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。

 第三十一条 擅自举办跨地区大型宗教活动的,由宗教事务部门责令停止活动;有违法所得的,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;其中,跨地区宗教活动是宗教团体、宗教活动场所擅自举办的,登记管理机关还可以责令该宗教团体、宗教活动场所撤换直接负责的主管人员。

 第六章 附则

 第三十二条 本条例自 2006 年 1 月 1 日起施行。1991 年 8 月 21日河南省第七届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议通过的《河南省宗教活动场所管理办法(试行)》同时废止。



 河南省宗教事务条例(Regulations of the Henan on Religious Affairs)

 河南省宗教事务条例(Regulations of the Henan on Religious Affairs)

 Regulations of the Henan on Religious Affairs

 (Notice No. fifty-fourth by the Standing Committee of the people"s Congress of Henan province July 30, 2005 promulgated since January 1, 2006 July 30, 2005 eighteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the tenth Henan Provincial People"s Congress)

 Chapter 1 General Provisions

 Article 1 in order to protect the citizens" freedom of religious belief, maintain the religious harmony and social harmony, standardize the management of religious affairs in accordance with the law, according to the "People"s Republic of China constitution" and the "Regulations on religious affairs" and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, combined with the actual situation of this province, the enactment of this ordinance.

 The second religion mentioned in this Ordinance refers to Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and christianity.

 The third citizens have the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom to believe in religion.

 Citizens who believe in religion and those who do not believe in religion and believe in different religions should respect and live in harmony with each other.

  The legal rights and normal religious activities of fourth religious groups, places of religious activities, religious personnel and religious citizens are protected by law, and no organization or individual shall infringe upon or interfere with them.

 All religions adhere to the principle of independence and self governance, and religious groups, places of religious activities and religious affairs are not controlled by foreign forces.

 Fifth religious activities must be carried out in the scope of the Constitution and the laws and regulations allow, no organization or individual shall be allowed to endanger national security, undermining national unity, disrupt social order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state by religious activities, national interests, social public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and other damage.

 Article sixth the people"s governments at or above the county level departments of religious affairs according to law relates to national interests and public interests of the administrative areas of the administration of religious affairs and other relevant departments to be responsible for the relevant administrative work within the scope of their respective duties.

 The second chapter religious groups

 Seventh the establishment of religious groups should be in accordance with the provisions of the state on the administration of registration of social organizations, the Department of religious affairs of the people"s governments at or above the county level for examination and approval, the registration administrative organ for registration to the people"s government at the same level of social groups.

 Change and cancellation of religious organizations shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the registration and administration of state social organizations.

 Eighth the establishment of the Catholic diocese, an application shall be submitted by the provincial Patriotic Catholic Association, the provincial people"s Government religious affairs departments for examination and approval, the application for registration of the registration authority to the provincial people"s government and social groups. The Ministry of religious affairs of the people"s Government of the people"s Republic of China shall keep the record in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

 Ninth religious organizations carry out their work in accordance with their respective regulations, establish and perfect various systems, and carry out democratic management.

 Religious organizations should carry out patriotic education and legal education to religious personnel and religious citizens, and guide religions to adapt to socialist society.

 Tenth religious organizations holding religious training

 courses should meet the following conditions:

 (1) training plan;

 (two) teaching staff with certain religious knowledge;

 (three) the training content does not violate the laws, regulations and policies.

 Religious organizations and religious institutions other than any other organization and individual shall not hold religious training classes.

 Eleventh religious organizations organized by religious organizations of provinces, municipalities and counties (cities, districts) should apply to religious affairs departments of the people"s governments of provinces, municipalities and counties (cities, districts) respectively. The Department of religious affairs shall, within twenty days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision on approval or disapproval in accordance with the provisions of article tenth of the regulations.

 The twelfth religious organizations should abide by the constitution, laws, regulations and rules, and accept the supervision and administration of the religious affairs departments and relevant departments of the people"s government according to law.

 The third chapter: religious personnel

 Thirteenth religious personnel who have been identified or discharged by religious organizations shall be submitted to the Religious Affairs Department of the people"s government at or above the county level for the record.

 The religious personnel who have been identified and put on record may engage in religious educational activities. A person who has not been identified or recorded or who has been removed from a religious office shall not engage in religious educational activities in the capacity of a religious officer.

 Fourteenth religious personnel shall, in accordance with the provisions of the religious provisions, engage in religious educational activities in certain places or areas of religious activities.

 Fifteenth religious personnel across the county in the province (city, district) or provincial cities to preside over religious activities, shall be subject to the corresponding location and religious groups and religious groups to record by the relevant people"s Government Religious Affairs departments.

 The religious personnel to the province or outside the province to the clergy to preside over religious activities or clerical, shall be approved by the province"s religious groups agree, and record by the Provincial Department of religious affairs of the people"s Government of the province"s religious groups.

 The fourth chapter: religious activities, places and religious activities

 The sixteenth place for the establishment of religious activities shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the state and these regulations.

 No organization or individual shall establish a place for religious activities without authorization.

 Seventeenth when applying for the establishment of religious sites, the following materials should be submitted:

 (1) explanations of the circumstances of the local religious citizens;

 (two) the basic conditions and identity certificates of religious personnel who intend to preside over religious activities or other personnel in accordance with the provisions of this religion;

 (three) the basic situation and identity certificate of the members of the preparatory organization;

 (four) necessary fund proof;

 (five) the feasibility of setting up a place to be established;

 (six) to establish monasteries, temples, mosques and churches (hereinafter referred to as siguanjiaotang), should also be submitted in accordance with the regulation of religious buildings graphic renderings;

 (seven) other relevant materials needed to be provided.

  When applying for registration of the completion of the construction of eighteenth religious sites, the following materials should be submitted:

 (1) list of management organization members and identification certificates;

 (two) religious personnel who are responsible for religious activities or other persons in accordance with the provisions of this religion;

 (three) the management system of religious places of activities;

 (four) certificate of acceptance and effective land use right, housing ownership, or right of use of buildings, fire departments and other departments.

 Nineteenth places of religious activities should establish management organizations, establish and improve personnel financial, accounting, public security, fire protection, cultural relics protection, health and epidemic prevention management system, the implementation of democratic management.

 Twentieth large scale open religious statues should be submitted for approval in accordance with the state regulations.

 The collective religious activities of twenty-first religious

 citizens should normally be carried out in the religious activities registered in accordance with the law. Religious citizens can also live their religious lives in their own homes according to religious practices.

 Non religious, non religious activities shall organize and hold religious activities, shall not accept alms, allowance, dedication and other religious donations.

 The religious activities held by twenty-second religious citizens shall be presided over by religious personnel or persons in conformity with the conditions prescribed by this religion.

 The twenty-third provinces of the city and county (city, district) held over the religious activities of accommodating large scale religious activities, or in religious activities held outside large religious activities shall be sponsored by religious groups, to be held on the Temple Church in thirty days ago, respectively, the city and county of the province (to hold city, district) people"s government for the proposed Department of religious affairs. The Department of religious affairs shall make a decision on approval or disapproval within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the application.

 The provisions of the preceding paragraph organized religious activities shall be in accordance with the approved written requirements according to religious rituals, the relevant provision...




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